
Here are frequently asked questions:

ADVENT coaches vs other swim instructors/coaches2025-03-03T20:09:23-08:00

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ADVENT’s Coaches

Tremendous Experience

(more than 38 years of North American & International)

Years of Study and Experience:

  • Certified in First Aid/CPR-C & AID
  • Lifesaving Instructor
  • National Lifeguard Pool
  • Senior Coach NCCP levels (National Coaching Certification Program)
  • Master Degree in Physical Education
  • Members of the Canadian Swim Coaches Association (CSCA)
  • Members of the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC)

Red Cross Instructors/Other Coaches

Students Teach Students

(no experience or just little)

Approx. 123-168 hours or 7 days of study

for becoming a Water Safety Instructor (WSI):

  • Bronze Star (Optional): 10 hr
  • Bronze Medallion: 20 hr
  • Bronze Cross: 20 hr
  • Standard First Aid/CPR-C: 4 hr
  • National Lifeguard Pool: 45 hr
  • Lifesaving Instructor: 18 hr
  • Water Safety Instructor (WSI) for Red Cross Swim Programs, level 1-10 (Lifeguards teach kids) for:
  1. Ability to perform Red Cross Swim Kids 10 (optional)
  2. Assistant Water Safety Instructor: 8-9 hr
  3. Water Safety Instructor: 8-9 hr

Approximately 18 hr & self-study for WSI

NOTE: Usually all above steps required for becoming WSI in PoCo & Coquitlam (click to open).

For swim clubs there are the same WSI & Fundamentals Coaches NCCP level 1, three days of the workshop (click to open), learn only introduction of teaching and coaching, for the Community Sport)

Very often we hear from parents: “My child has attended swim lessons for years but there has been no progress or improvements”.

Swimming is not only an activity or a sport, but develops life skills applicable in all domains! This is why our coaches are very educated and experienced because we are serious about any skills learned through our program. Only with very professional specialists your child can learn the right skills and discipline to be successful in his/her life!

Swimming is not just good for children’s health; it is a skill that could ultimately save their lives if it is learned properly with well educated and experienced swimming teachers.

ADVENT vs Summer Swim Clubs2025-03-03T20:25:11-08:00

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ADVENT Swim Academy
(Year-Round Swim Club)

Affiliated with Swim BC (PSO), Swimming Canada, Sport Canada

Your Child Can Get:

  • Learning to swim from September to September.
  • Unlimited training hours per week.
  • Maintain fitness, swimming skills & technique needed for general health and racing/swim competitions by increasing the child’s ability and needs.
  • Improve swimming skills and overall quality of life faster.
  • Have consistent workouts that gradually improve posture, muscle strength and flexibility, oxygenation, memory, endurance, and immunity. Regular training aids in discipline, time management, sportsmanship, and setting goals.
  • All swimmers are covered by the Provincial Sport Organization’s (PSO) liability insurance.
  • Competitive season membership is from September 1 to August 31.
  • Annual PSO Fee: $48 for a pre-competitive status with one opportunity to compete. If you want your child to compete more, a competitive category is required (click to check fees with Swim BC).
  • Summer registration starts May 1 through August 31 each training season. Fee for Swim BC: $20.25 per swimmer. Unlimited training hours. The Swim BC fees are only for its registrants.


High-School Credits:

Grade 10 or Athlete 10:

  • 4 credits if a child participates at any Regional/Provincial Championships from Sep to Sep.

Grade 11 or Athlete 11:

  • 4 credits if a child participates at any Provincial Teams/Inter-Provincial Regional Championships.
  • 4 credits for Team BC

Grade 12 or Athlete 12:

  • 4 credits if a child participates at any Provincial or National Teams/National Championships.
  • 4 credits for Team BC (can get Sport Canada AAP)

Recognized Athlete Programs (click to read)


University Athletic Scholarship & Other Benefits:

  • Your child can get a partial or full university athletic scholarship (free post-secondary education in Canada and the USA! More than 640 post-secondary schools, including Harvard University in North America, offer scholarships for swimmers)
  • Your child has a great opportunity to represent BC and Canada at national and international swim competitions. If he/she performs well, there are different sports funding programs such as BC AAP, Sport Canada AAP (click to open), $1060-1,765 per month of nontaxable income (click to read), and other sponsorship money.

Summer Clubs

(Marlins, Sharks, Barracuda, Mantas, etc.)

Affiliated with BCSSA (click to open)

Your Child Can Get:

  • Kids are limited to 2 hours per week from October 1st to April 30th   
  • Any swim competition, including a school swim meet, counts as one hour per day.
  • Winter maintenance is NOT the same as Winter Swim Club Program. Coaches are 15+ age individuals certified in the Red Cross Water Safety Instructors (WSI) and/or Fundamentals Coach (NCCP level 1, three-day education of introduction of basic stroke, start, and turn mechanics click here and here.)
  • Only unlimited hours from May 1st to September 30th (usually ends in August)
  • Different intensities, durations and frequencies of training from Sep-Sep increase the risk of exercise-related injuries, stress, and pressure on the child. A competitive season is only 31/2 months longer than the extremely intense swimming season, which includes swim competitions every weekend in June and July.
  • Competitive season membership is from May 1 to September 30.
  • The annual fee is approx. $35. If you want to sign for a winter maintenance program you must pay additional $20 (off-season membership for the period of October 1 to April 30). A total annual fee is approximatelly $55. It is ONLY for BCSSA members or summer clubs’ swimmers.


High-School Credits:

Grade 10 or Athlete 10 ONLY

  • 4 credits if your child participates ONLY at BCSSA Provincial PQT Finalist (this meet is once a year in August and only 6-8 swimmers can be qualified for 4 credits from all BC Summer Clubs.


University Athletic Scholarship & Other Benefits:

  • No, your child cannot get any University Athletic Scholarship.
  • No, your child cannot participate at any National or International* swim competitions and get financial support from BC and Sport Canada (NO AAP and NO sponsorship money!). Click here to see all available scholarships for summer swimmers.
    *NOTE: The highest level of swim competitions for summer swimmers is provincial.


How long will be a swim assessment/lesson?2022-02-08T12:12:16-08:00

Our swim assessment is 15-20 minutes long.  A free swim lesson is a regular lesson and takes from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your child’s ability.  For the assessment and lesson your child must have the following:

  • swimsuit for girls and jammers for boys (no beach swimwear is allowed)
  • goggles
  • swim cup
  • pool sandals

NOTE: A swim assessment is a mandatory requirement for new members.  After the assessment you will be advised with different available options more suitable for your child and your family.  Participants being confirmed into the program will be provided additional information on how to process their program fee.  It depends on your child’s needs, length of the training, and other factors.  Exact costs vary, but all participants have to pay registration fee that covers Swim BC/Swimming Canada registration for one training season (September 1st – August 31st). 

I don’t want for my child to compete. Can I save money on this?2024-08-04T11:49:17-07:00

We require every swimmer to compete.  It is essential to assess your child’s progress and our coaches’ performance.  If your child will not participate in swim competitions you are required to pay Pre-competitive Swim BC registration fees.  Swim BC fees for competitive swimmers depend on your child’s age and his/her status as an athlete (school or University student):

  • Pre-Competitive Swimmers (any age as of December 31) click to open

NOTE: From September 1st until the end of the training season all swimmers are required to pay regular Swim BC fees.  The fee to upgrade a swimmer is the difference between the Pre-Competitive fee and the corresponding Competitive fee.  After December 31st, there will not be a discount to the upgrade fee if the swimmer is upgraded after March 31st.

 For your reference, please visit Swim BC website for more details.

What do you mean “Coach prepared swimmers”?2022-02-08T12:17:37-08:00

IMGP5384webIt means that the same coach has the same athletes from Introductory level to the highest desired and possible level.  Usually, it takes 5-14 years to prepare a high-performance level athlete.  It depends on the child’s ability, parents commitment and the coach’s program.  Yes, we are right on the coach’s program because every coach implements his/her own program and develops workouts for each practice.

For example, our coach Dmitriy had a group of 6-11 year old kids and trained them until their highest levels such as Senior Nationals and/or International.  This is why we said that he prepared athletes for Senior Nationals, for instance.  In most cases swimmers are transferred from one group to another and change coaches.  Usually it negatively impacts on kids’ performance and life in general because they should follow a new coach’s instruction.  It is great if the athlete is happy with a new coach.  What about if the child is unhappy?  This is a common issue.  There are only couple resolutions in this situation:

  1. Stay in this group and keep suffering OR
  2. Change the club

We strongly believe in a long-term partnership of the same coach and athlete for successful outcomes.  A successfully implemented long term athlete development strategy will deliver athletes to the National team with greater potential for improvement at an age where optimal performance is possible.  We offer the best program with the best Canadian coaches.  Your child will be with the same great coach from Introductory level to the moment when you decide to move.  No hassle.  No stress.  No frustration.  No needs to change the coach or club anymore.  You decide what is the best for your child.

Can my child attend swim competitions?2024-06-26T19:26:34-07:00

Yes, but you have to register your child as a competitive swimmer and pay the required Swim BC fees. Please contact us for more details.

  • Competitive Swimmers age as of December 31

 For your reference, please visit Swim BC website (click to open) for more details.

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